O'Gara Goett Partners, 108 Village Square, Suite 204, Somers, New York 10589
Phone: 914.669.5333 Facsimile: 866.277.3385
Foundations: The basis of all our Intelligent Solutions is the consideration of the broader client financial and operational requirements. We address elements such as incentives, credit, funding options and financial impact to deliver a tailored, intelligent solution for each client.
An "Intelligent Solution" is one that drives performance, whatever your energy needs may be. OGP develops options which provide the requisite power in a framework that delivers additional benefits tailored to the client's needs. Our energy focus is to optimize efficient, reliable and resilient supply. Financially, we address the impact of a transaction on the balance sheet, cash flow, profitability and capital retention. We collaborate with our client with regard to their needs and preferences while structuring an energy solution.